Why Does Love Hurt?

Because love is also purification… it is leaving from oneself to go to encounter the other, even though many times we may die for that which we want…therefore, it causes pain.

Having loved his own that were in the world, he loved them to the end.” (John 15:1)
“But therefore…love is the decision more certain to leave whatever situation of conflict.”
though the most difficult thing may be to love, it is a gift that is worth the pain. It is enough that we may look to the cross and see such suffering that Christ experienced and why? for love. Love is that which brings salvation!
Love is overcoming us…it goes beyond our will and desires. It requires renunciation, patience and much courage. Before speaking and writing for you, this truth needs first to fall into my heart.
We may not have fear of loving those that don’t merit it. This is the the Gospel. But also we may lose the opportunity of loving those that are near to us: friends, family, community.
Who loves does not lose time, and does not have fear of risking oneself for love.
We are together
Adailton Batista (@DALPHN) in collaboration with @Josinovaescn
translated from Portuguese