The Tick Tock of the Clock: All Has Its Time

In what situation is God delayed with you?

“For all there is a time, for each thing there is a moment under Heaven” Ecclesiates 3:1
Before this verse what is our reaction? If for all there is a time, separately each thing has a moment, how do we live well with the clock with time.
Our life gives us the rhythm of a clock, we are inside of time: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.
We are always running behind all, chronograms, committments in work, in school, in the university. Time for waking, time for eating lunch and in the midst of this pressure, the tick tock of the clock gives us the impression that we are always behind. Finally, we are get used to it and we come and take the letter. Even then, we face situations that are outside of our control. This happens when we don’t have answers or solutions for all our problems. We ask help to God and the impression that we have is that He disappeared, we look at the watch and all continues the same way.
In this moment, the time appears to become our enemy. We become “hopeless”. Conclusion:  addition we begin to live also desperately. Reading a book on Don Bosco, I encountered something that touched me and I ask God that it touches you too: “From high on a white wall, a sundial appeared. . . under the quadrant of hours was written: For the sad, slowly, rapidly for the joyful pass the hours.” (Excerpt from the book “A dream, A life” Terésio Bosco)
It was a good counsel  for a child that prepared himself to pass six years between the walls of a seminary and needed to overcome the war for time. Even that happens within us. The times I am late x the hour that God is. This we can say to ourselves that even God is late.

Therefore, we need to build hearts that remain in waiting upon the will of God!

It is time to construct of giving ourselves laughter and being happy in the middle of the world that assaults us, even before the difficulties that we are confronting.

Day by day persons have transformed themselves in anxiety and tension therefore I propose to you a challenge live well in time! Only then will we have time in our favor!

“Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.” (MT 6:34 NAB) “But there is another thing, dear ones of which you should never forget: But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day.” ( 2 Peter 3:8 NAB)

It is the hour of throwing ourselves in the arms of God who is the Lord of time.

Never despair!

We are Together

translated from Portuguese