Tuesday, 17 de July de 2018, 1h01 Come, Lord Jesus! The Word of God prepares us for the second coming of Jesus In the formation of the and holy in us, we rely on the Word of God, the light of our walk. We need to assimilate it in faith and prayer and...
Monday, 16 de July de 2018, 1h01 God Does Not Disappoint! The foundation of our faith must be in God Often God works wonders in our lives. He improves economic situations, rebuilds marriages, heals diseases. But, unfortunately, many just support their faith only in this: they only believe if God does what they want. This...
Friday, 13 de July de 2018, 1h01 How Inviolable Is Your Time? “I counted my years and I discovered that I will have less time to live from what I have lived until now.” (Mário de Andrade) Since we do not know how much time we still have is how we...
Thursday, 12 de July de 2018, 1h01 The Will of God in the Trials of Life “So also those who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to the faithful Creator, doing good” (1 Pet 4,19) One of the most opportune moments to do God’s will well is when trials, the crosses of...
Wednesday, 11 de July de 2018, 1h01 Walk Happy It is in Jesus, first of all, that our accomplishments are for a happy walk Happiness is Jesus Christ. Jesus says, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (Jn 14: 6). The Lord, today and always, is the way...
Tuesday, 10 de July de 2018, 1h01 What Are the Principle Doubts that Enter During Courtship Often many lack maturity to overcome obstacles and differences in dating Dating is a beautiful phase of life, in which two souls meet in the desire to realize the deep yearning for one day to live for one another, to beget...