Adriano’s Gonçalves Visit to the US.

Canção Nova Missionary Adriano Gonçalves was in the United States preaching during a week to Brazilians, Hispanics and Americans. He related to us the living experience of bring the Mission Revolução Jesus (Revolution Jesus) to foreign lands.

“Primarily I touched the great difficulty of Brazilians in the exterior, some have no documents, and are in search of opportunities. Therefore, the most beautiful thing that I perceived is that the distance from the mother country affirmed their faith in God.”

The consecrated missionary  preached to Brazilian youth in Marieta, where they encountered a Canção Nova Mission House in the country, announcing a new form of evangelizing to the youth called “Revolução Jesus”. The great majority of these youth are in North America more than 10 years.

.: Conheça a Casa de missão da Canção Nova nos EUA

In the moments of sharing the word, he led them to channel their feelings of missing Brazil for their Celestial Homeland: “For only those who live an experience like this knows what it is to be a stranger on the Earth” Adriano affirmed in an interview published on Our Portal (

He left Marietta for Boston to preach to Americans and Hispanics. Another culture and other language. I preached to youth in a youth group. He relates this experience: “A hispanic young adult bought the book “Santos de Calça Jeans” [Saints in Jeans] that is written in “portuguese”, I thought ‘She was be buying this to help Canção Nova’ To my surprise in the following day this youth testified that she read the book during the morning and had understood that it was possible to be young and to be a saint. She understood all. For God language is not a barrier.”

During the interview the joy expressed by Adriano was visible, that with enthusiam he said: “Holiness continues attracting so many youth. Many said that it was the first time that they were touched in such a concrete form by the action of God.”

The missionary youth, also presented to us the testimony of a woman that was with him in the retreats: “This woman came to speak with me and showed me a monitoring bracelet on her leg. She was held by American immigration and was being watched, for they needed to have knowledge of the places where she was going for being illegal in the country. Looking at the situation I felt moved to pray for her. It was a moment of much grace, therefore, she experienced much liberation her story was touching and helping her experience the merciful love of God.” Adriano also talked about ministering to a woman trapped in guilt who had many abortions in her life. She was able to learn the freedom of turning from sin and knowing God’s mercy.

The missionary ended the interview saying: “The contagious joy of my heart, for I touched concretely Verse 8 of Psalm 2 that is a prophecy for us at Canção Nova: “Ask me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance.

This mission in the United States only was possible thanks to the help of our social evangelizer. His help mantained the faith alive of so many persons including those outside of Brazil, his help brought to many the merits of the evangelizer also it is his.

This sharing made by our dear Adriano brought a little of you. Canção Nova has been an instrument of the Grace of God in the life of many persons. May God reward you!

.: Conheça mais a missão Revolução Jesus


More than 100 thousands Brazilians emigrate all the years to seek better conditions of work in the world. the number of global Brazilian emmigrants has already raised to more than 2 million according to data made in a survey in 2005.

Brazilian emmigration is a phenomenon relatively recent and occurs only since the decade of the 1970’s. At the beginning of the ’80’s Brazil began to become a new nomade of the world, following in the footsteps of the Portuguese.

translated from Portuguese

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