Thursday, 13 de October de 2016, 1h01 The Lord Does Wonders for US Mercy is the greatest wonder “While Jesus walked in again into the boat, the man who had been demon possessed asked him to let him stay with him. But Jesus did not allow him. However, he said: ‘ go home, and...
Wednesday, 12 de October de 2016, 1h01 We need people full of the Holy Spirit to oxygenate the Earth In Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo, there’s an attraction, a fountain on the Lake. It’s nice to see those dancing water jets. But why did they do that? Because the water from that lake was rotting. Now, make it gush is one...
Tuesday, 11 de October de 2016, 1h01 When we unite to Christ, we unite ourselves to the Father Who is United to Christ joins the Father and prepares the heart for living heaven The meditated Word is in St. John -11 14.1: “Don’t disturb your heart! Believe in God, believe also in me. In my father’s House there...
Monday, 10 de October de 2016, 1h01 God Chose Us and Made Us for Holiness The Lord calls us to holiness, so let’s assume that we are God’s blessings Father John Mark Polak, on Tuesday morning, the program ‘ smiling at Life ‘, invites us to take possession of that we are God’s blessings. The...
Thursday, 6 de October de 2016, 1h01 Take Care of Your Soul We must take care of our soul to be good people, to our interior reflect our exterior We have many concerns in the course of life and some of them are: what my son is going to be when he...
Wednesday, 5 de October de 2016, 1h01 Missionaries of Love and Mercy “Blessed are the merciful shall obtain mercy.” (5.7 Mt). We are all called to proclaim the Gospel and live the faith in Christ. We’re the first disciples who hear the word and are sent to be a sign of love...